Ads have been here for longer than we can imagine. Though with time the nature of ads have changed, their main purpose remains the same.

When building ads your principal goal will be to lead your audience to a purchase.when you watch an AMAZON ADS ON YOUTUBE, the advertisements builds in you a desire to purchase, something from Amazon. Why? Because you just realized that it will be of great value or just sentimental value either ways. Consequently AMAZON is going to make more money through that advertisement than they initially invested.

How can you create great advertisements?

To build a powerful advertising campaigns, with captivating features. You do not need a big budget but first the basic understanding of the fundamental build up of an advertisement and where to advertise.

Let's go back to our Amazon ads. For you to watch their ads, they had to work on a powerful introduction that would incite your curiosity just enough for you to refrain from pressing the skip button. Secondly, they hade to play a scenario that  will resonate with you personally or as a group, whilst you are trapped in their story, they will give you a reason as to why you should buy that valuable product. And then to finish they will encourage you to take action  at that very moment.

After a clear analysis we find that. An advertisement is simply a mixture of exaggeration that stimulate a desired action.Can you do it as well as Amazon, Coca Cola, Mcdonald, Nike and Adidas?Yes of course you can. The beauty of it is that anyone with the right tools and information can do it thanks to the technology available today. So read until the end because we have something prepared just for you. 

#1The first step, one that we emphasize to our members at is to know what you are selling

People will buy anything in our day, some people spend millions on a painting they could paint In their rear yard. 

That's why you should not undermine any products no matter the price or value it can be sold. And knowing what you are selling will allow you to build an ethical exageration of the product In which you display the product not as a meaningless product or service but as the best deal your audience will ever witness in a life time. 

#2 Why are you selling it

Your customers will never trust you if the goal of your advertising appears to be money. Unfortunately money is associated with greed and dishonesty. People know you are going to make money, if they make a purchase. They just don't want you to make it so obvious to them. If you want to go in depth with this aspect of marketing you can always join the chat page  

#3 To whom you are selling it

If you are selling Rolex watches and yet you are advertising it for 10 year old girls, who spend the entire holiday season watching Barbie and hello kitty. How do you expect them to see the value in your ads. You did a great job building your ads but unfortunately you picked the wrong audience to publish too.. 

#4 How does it benefit them

For every ads COCA Cola has  ever published. There are thousands others that are also published by other companies around the world, yet they are  having more success than the others. why? Because they offer their consumers, a product that not only is of great quality but of  many benefits to them as consumers. Their so good that even when people are constantly claiming that cola isn't good for health, people will still run to the supermarket during summer to grab a bottle of Coca-Cola. 

#5 Why should they take action now and not wait (scarcity ) 

When Amazon is running ads campaign, they make sure you know that the offer will only list for the week, month and season. Creating what we call in marketing (scarcity) you are brought to believe that the valuable product that benefits you is not here forever but for a few days only.  You either buy it of budget or  you loose it forever. 

In relation to this summarized article ads creation can be extremely demanding. Yes that was the case in earlier years but no more. 

So as I told you earlier with the right tools you will be able to do all this in less than 30 min for multiple offers and in multiple languages. Just like that. 


We get this question a lot and frankly it is not  in our habit to disclose our personal money making strategies and equipment for aubvious reasons. But as a gift to you our readers and family we will be gifting you with. 


 which is our ads managers, creator and spy software. We can manage the engagement with our ads campaign, allowing us to know which one is performing better so that we can laverage that audience and make maximum revenue through them. And we also use it to copy other well performing ads from companies like Amazon and give it some changes and publish them ourselves. This method only is responsible for more than 10k in revenue monthly from top marketers online 


Now this is another crazy affordable yet practical software we discovered in our early days and have been using ever since. It allows us to creat short animated videos with pre recorded sound and multiple languages. With it we have been able to add that captivating touch to our  ads campaign and now with 30min a day we can edit our ads and send them straight to the battle zone where they will gather as many customers for us.and we will be giving you access to other video creation software we use.

As a bonus for you we introduce to you the book responsible for our Instagram marketing SUCCESS 



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