The world is visual. We use our eyes to take in much of the content that influences our behavior, tempers our reactions, and informs our decisions. Whether its on the Web, in a brochure, or live in person, the most effective solutions are ones that unexpectedly grab our attention. Thousands marketing Materials have been produced yet Few, however, focus specifically on the merging point between design (the visual) and marketing (influencing buying behavior), and for some it is discussed as an area of lower pertinence. As many believed it idle for small businesses and entrepreneurs will not find it relevant. Yet theres never been a better time in history for small businesses and marketing entrepreneurs to explore using electronic print, and the full force of visual material to boost their *Marketing experience *Business revenue *Customer engagement *content longevity.

Today three-dimensional visuals, Technology puts it within the reach of small businesses and you Digital marketers and influencers to use visuals in our marketingvisuals that previously only the largest corporations could cost-effectively design and implement. The Internet makes it convenient to find and hire design professionals to collaborate with to achieve your marketing goals. How through popular means like social media and freelancing sites you can gain access to the best design work that puts you in the right position to grow in a competitive industry. All you need is just enter your description on a search box and a multiple profiles all available for you .

And for the do-it-yourselfers, todays online software services and design tools make it easy to experiment with creating visual elements on your own. And literally on your own with the advances in Artificial intelligence you do not need to be a professional to make use of this software.

How do you get to any store today ? The usual practice of visiting the stores and shops is no longer the only way to see and choose products. Website have become the new destination and growing sales tool for large, small and personal businesses. The need for an effective website is essential for the future of an industry where facetime is dwindling and decisions need to be made without a trip to a physical store. Marketers and business owners needed to show an extensive collection of merchandise and offers (for affiliate marketers) while maintaining its highly regarded service quality and ease of browsing that clients are accustomed to in their physical stores. Meaning the customers do not care if your store is top-notch physically, all they have to judge if their going to shop with you or not is that website. *How smooth the pages transition *How professional the home page looks *Do you have unique banners or just the usual copy and paste Google copyright free banners *Are you secure *Is your websites named accordingly *Are the merchandise presented in an orderly manner

THE AIM OF YOUR VISUAL MARKETING CAMPAIGN. Converting first-time buyers into loyal advocates This process involves a series of customer engagement activities and visual content *Videos *White board animation *GIF representation *Images *Illustrations

There are essentially three popular techniques that have been proven to increase engagement in the digital era. 1. The use of mobile applications (apps) to enhance the digital customer EXPERIANCE.

2. The application of social customer relationship management (CRM) to engage customers in conversations and provide solutions. 3.The e use of ramification helps improve engagements by driving the right sets of customer behavior. These three methods are not mutually exclusive. In fact, marketers should combine them to arrive at the best outcome. Consider these facts. More than 70 percent of the global population owned smartphones by 2020, according to the Erickson Mobility Report. Moreover, around 80 percent of mobile data traffic will come from smartphones. What does this smartphone-dominated market entail? Customers now rely heavily on smartphones to perform several activities. In the United States, most people who own smartphones read news, share content (of the shared content more than 60% are visual content) , and learn about communities on their phones, according to the Pew Research Center. In fact, average Americans check their phones around 46 times a day, according to a study by Deloitte. In the context of after-sales service, a study com- missioned by Alcatel-Lucent in Brazil, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States found that smartphone users prefer self-service apps to service help desks. People become attached to their smart- phones and always keep them close. Smartphones have arguably become the best channels for engaging customers. Therefore, it becomes imperative for marketers to reach out to and engage customers through smartphone apps. Evidently, most of the top 100 global brands now use mobile apps This article as for unique goal to guide people to the right direction when it comes to the evolution of Marketing, in the past implementing all the above visual marketing strategies was worth thousands of dollars, today through this article I have provided you with the most popular ways in which marketers, businesses and Content creators are turning the table and are playing on even terms with the leading companies of our days.


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